The First Camillian Day of the Heart on media

media copertina


The First Camillian Day of the Heart has ended successfully. Below you will find reports on it by a number of national and local newspapers and television channels.

You can consult the press information online or in printed from by clicking here.

After Easter we will provide a detailed account of the activities of the fourteen centres that adhered to this initiatives.

onder copertina camillianiThe television programme of Rai2‘Medicina 33’ , provided an important report on this important Camillian appointment which you can see by clicking here  (4,3 minutes).






tg3TGR Lazio (TG3) Rai3: the report that was broadcast during the news of 16/04/14 (15,41 minutes). 










Presentation of the ‘First Camillian Day of the Heart’ on  TV2000

The report that was broadcast on 16 April during the news on TV2000 

telepaceTelePace: the report that was broadcast during the news of 15 April (24,32 minutes)








Radio Vatican: report on the First Camillian Day of the Heart of 11 April 2014


radio vaticanaRadio Vatican: ‘Day of the Heart’: free medical examinations in Camillian hospitals








Video ‘First Camillian Day of the Heart’ produced  for by Camillo Sulpizio.