Monthly Archives: September 2015

Taken from ‘L’AMORE NON CONOSCE CONFINI. BEATO LUIGI TEZZA’ (‘Love Knows no Boundaries. The Blessed Luigi Tezza’) by Fr. Angelo Brusco After a person’s death, what remains of that person is only what in his or her existence was truly

Source: E seppe dire si di Don Luigi Miglioli He had by then been absent and detached from everyone for almost three years and one could well have thought that at his funeral many would have been absent, given that

After a number of centuries the Camillian Order still felt the charismatic need to witness the incarnation of the Spirit of St. Camillus in women who, uniting professional ability with the special female sensibility, could offer authentic maternal affection to


In occasione dell’Incontro mondiale per giovani consacrati e consacrate, che si terrà a Roma dal 15 al 19 settembre 2015, abbiamo deciso di intervistare alcuni religiosi camilliani ospiti alla Casa Generalizia di Roma. Ecco la testimonianza di p. Daniel Silvia

di p. Luciano Sandrin, tratto da “Capire il malato. Lo sguardto della psicologia“, Edizioni Camilliane, Torino, 2014 ‘Many years ago my family used to go to a church near to our home’: this is the beginning of a book with

Visting the Sick

Two Biblical texts, one from the Old Testament and one from the New, bear witness to the extreme importance of visiting the sick. (4). In Sirach 7:35 we find the exhortation ‘Do not hesitate to visit the sick. You will