Agents of Pastoral Health Ministry


p.Allan Chavez

To speak with the pastoral agents of health is to speak with the missionary disciples of Jesus Christ and his Church, of his mission of healing and salvation. In the Church, healing community, everyone is a pastoral agent.

The Bishops “surround the sick with a paternal charity.”

The Priests “must be solicitous for the sick and the dying, visiting them and strengthening them in the Lord.”

“I ask you, dear presbyters, to spare no effort in giving them care and comfort. Time spent beside those who are put to the test may bear fruits of grace for all the other dimensions of pastoral care.” (Benedict XVI, Message for the 18th World Day of the Sick, 2010)

To the Chaplain of a health institution: “you are interested in the pastoral care of a particular group of faithful: sick, relatives, healthcare workers and professionals. Your main task is to announce the Good News and to communicate the redeeming love of Christ to whoever suffers in body and in spirit, accompany them with solidarity and love.”

May the Deacons be merciful and diligent, especially with those who suffer, following the example of the Lord Jesus who became a servant to all.

To Religious men and women “be faithful to the charism of merciful charity for the sick.” “Be close to the least and the abandoned, practice a welcoming presence, promote and sustain all initiatives in service of those who suffer.”

May the Laity “practice charity with the poor and the sick… where there are those who suffer due to calamities or a lack of health, there Christian charity must seek them out and find them, 12036831_857966244299537_7518152506888733746_nconsole them with diligent care and help them with the necessary services.”

The Sick are not just the recipient of the love and service of the Church, but also active subjects and responsible for the work of evangelization and salvation: “You too are sent out as workers in his vineyard.”

Thus, if the mission of being a pastoral guide of the faithful corresponds to those who receive priestly ministry, the mission of being witnesses to the love of God, through closeness, dialogue, prayer, accompaniment and the exercise of charity is for every baptized Christian and in a special way those who profess the charism of mercy, following the example of Jesus the good Samaritan.