Condolences The International Lay Camillian Family desires to send its most sincere and fraternal condolences to the Camillian Order and to the large Camillian Family in the world, following the death of their Superior General, Father Leocir PESSINI. Even though
Lay Camillian Family
“I would like to have a hundred hands”
Side by side with thousands of professionals who work in the institutions of the Order, the Lay Camillian Family arose, an organisation made up of people who are committed to living the ideal and the spirit of St. Camillus in service to the sick. It has its own statutes which were approved by the Holy See. Although it is linked to the Order and is animated by the same spirit, it has its own autonomy: it has its own directive body (the central committee) which is elected by the general assembly and remains in office for six years. By now thousands of members belong to the Lay Camillian Family and they are spread throughout the world, even in countries where Camillian religious are not present. Many health-care professionals belong to it, thereby enriching their professionalism with Camillian spirituality.
The International Commission for the LCF met at the Maddalena, the General House for the Order of St Camillus for their annual meeting from 24-28 June 2019. During this time we reviewed the interim International Assembly of LCF’s held in
Rosabianca Carpene The very title of the paper that was entrusted to me offers some indications as to how to explore the meaning of the vocation of the lay faithful, and more specifically of those lay people who live following
Fr. Angelo Brusco Introduction The prophecy of St. Camillus who predicted the spread throughout the world of the little plant of the Order that he had founded has also been fulfilled as regards the Lay Camillian Family (LCF). Indeed, today
Family Which Camillian Prophecy Today? Between the Past…the Present…and the Future A Post-European Institute? A Change of Paradigm By Sr. Elisa Kidane – A Combonian Missionary Rome 14 March 2019 Today is the last day of your meeting…you already have
fr. Frank Monks One of the branches of the tree – which St. Camillus called his “little plant” – is called The Lay Camillian Family. It was founded by Saint Camillus himself, who added lay people, one year after the
By Fr. Pietro Magliozzi THE EXTRAORDINARY ASSEMBLY OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAY CAMILLIAN FAMILY, a step forward of hope for the Camillian laity Rome, 14-19 October 2018 The house of the Handmaidens of the Incarnation of Villa Primavera in Rome hosted
By Gianluigi Valtorta in Vita Nostra, Year LIII, no.4, October-December 2002, pp.482-499. Starting from the Instruction of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life “Starting afresh from Christ, a renewed commitment to consecrated life in
We the representatives of the LCF coming from 22 different countries gathered here in Villa Primavera, the beautiful property of the Handmaids of the Incarnation, send joyful greetings to all members of the Great Family of St Camillus de Lellis.
Greetings of Fr. Leocir Pessini PHOTOGALLERY Rome-Villa Primavera, 15-19 October 2018 Subject of the paper Called to holiness in my personal history: the apostolic exhortation ‘Gaudete et Exsultate’ of Pope Francis Presentation Fr. Leo Pessini – Superior General of the
The Central Commission of LCF met in Rome, guests of the community of the Maddalena, from 3-7 May 2018, with the objective to prepare the future international General Assembly from October 13th to October 20th 2018, in Rome, with the
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