Inauguration of the New Commemorative Urn for St. Camillus

Schermata 2013-07-02 alle 15.24.51The new commemorative urn for the body and the simulacrum of St. Camillus will be inaugurated, and thus thenceforth visible to the public, on Saturday 6 July at 16.00.
This work by Alessandro Romano has already been placed inside the Chapel of St. Camillus in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Campo Marzio in Rome.
The urn, a sculpture in bronze on which the artist worked for over a year, will be unveiled and blessed in the presence of the sculptor; Fr. Renato Salvatore, Superior General of the Camillians; Antonio di Paola, the mayor of Bucchianico; and other distinguished  guests who will describe its features and characteristics.
Entrance to the Church of St. Mary Magdalene will be free to all those who want to render homage to the remains of St. Camillus and their new and worthy location.
On the same day the relic of the heart of St. Camillus will leave the Generalate House of the Order for Bucchianico for the opening of the jubilee year.
The whole inauguration ceremony will be broadcast live on the Web on the site