Happy new year to everyone! Welcome back to our first publication of our Milome newsletter of 2023, giving you updates and an insight into the life of our children at the Dala Kiye centre in Karungu, Kenya. For those of you who recently started reading Milome, the Dala Kiye centre is a home welcoming 60 children HIV+, who are partial and complete orphans, offering 6 homes, 4 for boys and 2 for girls, each one with a host mum checking the children, especially making sure the correct intake of the ART therapy, essential for their survival.
Around mid-December the children returned home to visit their families happy to return to their loved ones after so long. Whilst Christmas with the Camillians community of Karungu was celebrated with everyone: Fr. Emilio, Fr. John, Fr. Patrick, Fr. Dominic as well as Fr. Paolo who joined us with the three novices, Fr. Claudio celebrated with us from the Passionist Community of Kiranda, and our volunteers Emma and Gaia.
As per tradition, every year there is a Procession at the end of the Christmas Mass taking Baby Jesus to the Nativity. This year, because of the bad weather and the rain it did not take place and was postponed to the day of Epiphany on January 8th.
The Wise Men were taken to the Nativity, allocated at the entrance of the hospital, at the end of the Holy Mass by the two novices, Boniface and Innocent, and Austin who recently completed their time at the Dala Kiye centre. After three weeks with their families the children returned to the centre on 13th of January, having deeply missed the Dala Kiye centre and excited to start a new academic year. We hope you also spent a spiritual Christmas with your loved ones, wishing you a happy 2023!
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