MILOME Special Edition – Newsletter dal St. Camillus Dala Kiye

Dear friends,
This is our special edition of ‘Milome’ for the months of April to October 2020. As you are all aware, the covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected and disrupted all our lives in one way or another. Globally, the corona virus has negatively affected many people either directly or indirectly. As a matter of fact, thousands of people have died while many others lost their families, relatives, friends and loved ones.
Dala Kiye children welfare home in Karungu has been mildly affected by the pandemic and for this we are very grateful. When the disease was reported in Kenya, all schools were closed so the children had to stay at home. Dala Kiye administration came up with a timetable that would cater for the needs and well-being of the children as well as the staff. The timetable was meant to basically keep the children busy through various activities and avoid idleness.
We take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the generous support that we received from the following organisations, CEI- ITALY, WE WORLD KENYA FOUNDATION, KCCB and KARP in response to the pandemic.

We hope that the global covid-19 pandemic will end soon and life will get back to normal.
In this edition, we will update you on the major activities that have happened at Dala Kiye and our Mission at large during this pandemic period.
We urge all of you to keep safe by taking the necessary personal precautions to avoid contracting this deadly disease. May God bless you.