The demand for care today, 400 years after the death of St. Camillus

conferenzaThe relic of the heart of St. Camillus a few days ago returned from the Province of Piedmont to the Generalate House in Rome.

During its stay in Turin, numerous and important initiatives followed one another. Amongst these, the meeting for people involved in pastoral care in health: ‘The Demand for Care Today – 400 Years after the Death of St. Camillus’. This meeting, which was of a very high level, witnessed the extraordinary presence of over a thousand participants and papers given by prestigious speakers which filly lived up to  expectations.

We propose again to you here two splendid papers by two Ministers of the Sick, Fr. Luciano Sandrin, lecturer in the psychology of health and illness and in theology at the Camillianum, and Br. José Carlos Bermejo, Director of the Centre for the Humanisation of Health in Madrid.