The Message of Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe for the Fourth Centenary

Crescenzio Sepe-2-2The Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church Crescenzio Sepe sends his personal message of best wishes for the opening of the jubilee year to the whole of the Camillian community.

Dearest Friends of the Camillian Family,

I learnt with great joy that on 14 July next will begin the jubilee year which will lead to the celebration of the fourth centenary of the death of St. Camillus de Lellis.
I join your praise and your hymn of gratitude to God who wanted to give to the Church this admirable teacher of charity, in a special way towards the sick and the poor.
The tie that your Congregation has with our Church is especially strong, and has its roots as far back as 1588 when twelve religious began to care for the sick in the Hospital of the Incurables. Important, and I would say heroic, was the care provided when the plague struck Naples in 1656-1657, with the sacrifice of 37 lives, afflicted by contagion during service to the plague-stricken.
Since then this tie has remained unchanged. Indeed it has grown stronger with time, and still today it produces abundant fruit in the Vineyard of the Lord.
The important event of the jubilee year thus constitutes a valuable moment of reflection and prayer, so as to be able to renew in everyone the commitment to service to the poor and the suffering.
St. Camillus, even though he was not a man of many letters, knew, nonetheless, the most important language: that of charity.
In continuity with the spirit of the jubilee and in harmony with the pastoral directions of the diocese, I invite you all to spread measureless love, the only reality that is able to touch the hearts of men and to open them to welcoming the gospel message.
Animate all of your activities with prayer, starting with God and referring everything to Him; meditate on Holy Scripture and worship the living presence of Jesus in the Eucharist; and trust continually in divine Providence, which never abandons us.
I express my sincere best wishes that ever member of your fine Camillian Family will be able to renew with enthusiasm and dedication their adherence to the Lord.
I assure you of my constant prayer and I entrust you to the intercession of the Virgin Mary and to the protection of St. Camillus.
I particularly appreciate this opportunity to send to all the religious my greetings and to invoke upon each one of them bountiful graces and blessings from Heaven