Monthly Archives: October 2016

Il malato di Alzheimer prova sin dalla fase iniziale della malattia gravi sofferenze psicologiche, l’ansia per il futuro connessa al timore della dipendenza e alla perdita dell’autonomia e della capacità decisionale, il disorientamento esistenziale dovuto alla progressiva difficoltà di  “riconoscersi”

Burying the dead

   The life of a believer is a great and marvellous adventure which reaches its culminating point at the moment of death, a death that is not a destination but a launch pad for a life that has no end.

One of the many small hospitals that existed at the time of St. Camillus to face emergencies such as the incalculable mass of beggars invading Rome in times of famine and cold. The problem of beggars appeared in its full