Monthly Archives: October 2016

We offer below the series of names of the Superior Generals who have followed one another during the four hundred years of history of our Order and a list of the General Chapters that have accompanied the development of the

Ouagadougou – Friday, 14 October 2016 The morning of the fifth day of this meeting was dedicated to certain Camillian centres in Ouagadougou: the St. Camillus Hospital, the ‘Pietro Annigoni’ Centre for Biomolecular Research, and the ‘Candaf’ Health-Care Centre. These

Comforted and guided by the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, we will now seek to achieve a better understanding of the delicate task of ‘advising the doubtful’. Doubt refers to a state of uncertainty in which a person finds

Ouagadougou – Thursday 13 October 2016 The morning of the fourth day of the meeting (chairman Br. J. Ignacio Santaolalla) was dedicated to the description of certain initiatives of the general curia:  CADIS, the former CTF; various activities connected with

PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY With every day that passes, the damage and the deaths caused by the hurricane Matthew grow. More than a thousand deaths, tens of thousands of displaced persons, and incalculable damage to homes in the area of the city