57th General Chapter: the report of Wednesday, May 8

capitolo da pubblicareThe last day of the outgoing General Consulta began with Br. L. Perletti as the chairman. The day, in conformity with the subject to be addressed, began with the prayer of the ‘Camillian Project’.

Following what is laid down by the General Statutes at n. 130, the election of the Dean of the General Chapter took place. On the second ballot, Fr. F. Monks was elected. The next round of voting led to the election of the members of the Definitory: Br. J.C. Bermejo, Fr. A. Brusco, Fr. L. Gregotsch and Fr. V. Paleari.

This was the most important act of the day which witnessed the handover from the General Consulta to the organ that will guide the Order until the election of the new Superior General. For the rest, the deliberations on the revision of the document ‘Camillian Project’ began, a broad analysis designed to revitalise and reorganise the Order. Today the work in groups concentrated on the drafting of the text, making notes and suggestions of an editorial character to the basic text. Tomorrow, the work in groups will take into consideration the Operational Guidelines, practical recommendations for living the contents of the Camillian Project in fullness.

Also elected were the members of the Economic Committee: Br. J.I. Santaolalla, Fr. L. Ramponi and Fr. A. Tarkowski (40 votes); of the Committee for the Message to the Order: Fr. T. O’Connor, Fr. R. Messina and Fr. P. Ouedraogo (38 votes); and of the Committee for the Final Drafting of the ‘Camillian Project’: Fr. A. Puca, Fr. B. Nespoli and Fr. P. Magliozzi.