On Palm Sunday, Lay Camillian Family – Australia celebrated its fourth anniversary with Holy Mass at Westmead General Hospital Chapel (Sydney) followed with lunch at the Merrylands Club. At our LCF 2018 March meeting, it was agreed to celebrate our
Lay Camillian Family
“I would like to have a hundred hands”
Side by side with thousands of professionals who work in the institutions of the Order, the Lay Camillian Family arose, an organisation made up of people who are committed to living the ideal and the spirit of St. Camillus in service to the sick. It has its own statutes which were approved by the Holy See. Although it is linked to the Order and is animated by the same spirit, it has its own autonomy: it has its own directive body (the central committee) which is elected by the general assembly and remains in office for six years. By now thousands of members belong to the Lay Camillian Family and they are spread throughout the world, even in countries where Camillian religious are not present. Many health-care professionals belong to it, thereby enriching their professionalism with Camillian spirituality.
Pakistan: Lay Camillian Family Pakistan organized a simple Christmas outreach program in which Miss Asia Aslam and members of the LCF visited the sick people in their homes and gave food items and clothes. This simple gesture of sharing was
The Camillians first step their food in 2001 in the person of late fr. Rino Metrini, MI. Fr. Luigi Galvani, MI, then Provincial Superior and later elected as the General Consulta of the Camillians, was very happy to welcome us
Part 1 Following the agreement of the CCLCF, a subcommitte was formed to progress the Second Formation Manual. The sub committe members are Marie-Christine Brocherieux (CCLCF President ), Anita Ennis (CCLCF Vice President), Rosabianca Carpene (former President CCLCF),Fr Laurent Zoungrana
THE CENTRAL COMMISSION OF THE LAY CAMILLIAN FAMILY Rome, July 14th, 2017, Dear members of the Lay Camillian Family, It is with joy and devotion that we will celebrate on July 14th, 2017 the day of St. Camillus. The Central
The LCF Central Commission held their Annual General Meeting in Ireland from 27 April to 1 May 2017. The Central Commission extend sincere thanks to Fr Stephen Foster Provincial, to Fr Frank Monks and all the Community in Killucan and
Comunico , que no ultimo final de semana , dias 18 e 19 de março de 2017, realizou-se em São Paulo, a primeira assembleia para eleição da comissão que responderá pela Família Camiliana Laica Brasileira. Estiveram reunidos aproximadamente 30 membros de Famílias Camilianas Laicas
10 nuovi membri della FCL di Milwaukee – USA. La foto è stata scattata nella cappella San Camillo del campus locale.
by Paolo Guarise After forty years of Camillian ministry in Kenya, the Order of the Ministers of the Sick and the Great Family of St. Camillus are happy to have gathered in – this year – an abundant harvest: in
Very dear brothers and sisters of the LCF in Haiti, Dear Camillian Communities at Port-au-Prince and Jérémie in Haiti The LCF Central Commission wants to express to you its thoughts and prayers after the catastrohic news due to the passage
13-15 August 2016 With the joy of meeting each other and strengthening our spirituality, a national meeting of the Lay Camillian Family of Colombia was held at the Camillian Pastoral Centre for Humanisation and Pastoral care in Health of Bogota.
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