Celebation of St.Camillus in Acireale

acireale in festaAll the Provinces of the Order of the Ministers of the Sick are drawing near to celebrating the fourth centenary of the death of St. Camillus de Lellis with programmes that are rich in activities and events.

In the city of Acireale as well, of which St. Camillus is the patron saint together with St. Venera, the programme for the inauguration of the jubilee year is very rich and by now well launched. Starting on Sunday 30 June and until 21 July next, there will be a large number of appointments organised by the Camillian community.

On Tuesday 9 July, at 7.30, the fourth centenary of St. Camillus will be the protagonist on the airwaves of Radio Maria, with a Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Hubert Goudjinou, a General Consultor.

On 14 July, at the cathedral of Acireale, His Excellency Msgr. Antonino Raspanti will officially open the celebrations with a solemn concelebration of the Eucharist in the presence of the mayor of Acireale, Avv. Nino Garozzo.

To learn about the whole programme of Acireale click here.