Haiti: CADIS in Ranja to Build the Future

Hurricane Matthew, which struck Haiti with severity, continues to sorely test those parts of the population that were hit. We are working with Father Samuel Cuarto and the Delegation of Haiti in Ranja. Over the next weeks, teams made up of religious and lay people will alternate with one another and help to rebuild homes and communities in one of the poorest and most afflicted areas of the region of Jeremie.

     Father Massimo Miraglio, who has lived in that region for over ten years, is sharing the mission with CADIS from a logistical and planning point of view. In recent days Father Sam has been dealing with the planning part and has tried to go into the details of an operation that will help to build homes for families and a system of drinking water.

The aim of CADIS is, as always, to assure conditions for the rebuilding of a community fabric that is more resilient and able to deal with the malaise, reading this as an opportunity.

PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY (The new building and the reconstruction of the Nursery School of the Petit Soeurs de St. Therese of Mafranc in Haiti, which was destroyed by Hurricane Matthew, by the association Pro.sa