Meeting of the Major Superiors and the Delegates of the Order of the Ministers of the Sick

479B6316The meeting of the General Council with the Major Superiors and the Delegates of the Order of the Ministers of the Sick began this morning in Rome and will end on 11 October.

This meeting has the principal task of implementing the Camillian Project which was drawn up during the last General Chapter in May of this year. On that occasion its fundamental objectives were identified as being the inner revitalisation and the reorganisation of the Order.

The meeting of the Provinciasl has the aim, therefore, of completing, in a practical sense, the text of the project with effective individual proposals so that the recommendations of May do not remain on paper but become, instead, embodied in the life of the Camillians and in all of their communities.

On the agenda, in addition to reorganisation, with a major distribution and a greater use of human resources, the expansion of the Order and evangelisation, and a further strengthening its missionary spirit, is added the celebration of the fourth centenary.

The jubilee year constitutes an extraordinary opportunity for the whole of the Order. The beginnings, the present state of the celebrations, and the initiatives to be taken from here to 14 July 2014 will be discussed so that they can be lived with increasing faith and creativity

 This is also spoken about here
For the first pictures from the rally click here