Nicola d’Onofrio. A Religious Student of Today

indexWith the imminence of the liturgical feast day of St. Camillus de Lellis, we offer some brief thoughts of Fr. Giandomenico Mucci, a Jesuit and editor of the historic review Civiltà Cattolica. Nicola d’Onofrio represents one of the most mature and exemplary fruits of the spirituality, the charism and the heritage of St. Camillus de Lellis.

Giandomenico Mucci, sj.

On 16 June, at the Roman Diocesan Tribunal, in the presence of the Cardinal Vicar Camillo Ruini, the process was begun for the beatification and canonisation of the Servant of God Nicola d’Onofrio, a professed cleric of the Order of the Regular Clerics the Ministers of the Infirm, commonly known as the Camillians. His search for Christ at any cost, his religious style, his fortitude as a young man tested by a fatal illness, which is today so widespread, made us want to make him known about to our readers. We are convinced that his life, with its features of simplicity and naturalness, without those complications and artifices that culture inevitably accumulates for other noble spiritual experiences, irradiates and communicates that decisive evangelical witness which is the spontaneous gift of those who have lived in an extraordinary way an ordinary and common life. His witness is a very special comfort for young Christians, both those who are preparing for the priesthood and those who live religious consecration or the commitment of lay service, and for all those who suffer in their bodies and their souls.

Read here the complete article from Civiltà Cattolica, 17 March 2001, 152, 3618

Festa di San Camillo alla Madallena