The ‘Three Days of Camillian Spirituality’ Come to an End in Rome

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe ‘three days of spirituality’ which witnessed Camillian religious of Italy come together from Tuesday 18 March to Thursday 20 March in the generalate house of the Order in Rome must be seen in more than positive terms. This meeting, under the heading ‘The Charism of St. Camillus: a Precious Gift in Frail Hands, was animated by Cardinal  João Braz de Aviz, by Monsignor José Rodriguez Carballo, and by Sister Nicoletta Spezzati, respectively the Prefect, the Secretary and the Under-Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, whothus wanted to express their nearness to the Order during the difficult moment it is going through.

More than fifty Camillian religious took part in the intense programme of deliberations which began on Tuesday morning with the greetings of the Vicar General of the Order, Father Paolo Guarise. He was followed by the coordinator of initiatives for the fourth centenary of St. Camillus, Brother Carlo Mangione, who introduced the ‘three days’ and their objectives for the assembly.

This was followed on Tuesday morning by the paper of Sister Nicoletta Spezzati who concentrated on the challenges of the Camillian jubilee year. She then led a debate with those who were present, providing them with valuable recommendations as to the pathway to be followed on the ordinary and extraordinary journey of the Order.

In the afternoon Monsignor José Rodriguez Carballo gave a paper on formation as riches which should be appreciated and intensified in the light on the crisis of vocations and the increasing internationalisation of the Order. Monsignor Carballo explained that formation is a permanent state because its goal is assimilation to Christ and as a consequence it has to last the whole of a person’s lifetime. After this paper, as well, there was a fruitful dialogue on the part of the assembly which witnessed various contributions from religious who are involved in formation.

The day ended with a celebration of the Eucharist presided over by Father Palo Guarise.

The programme of Wednesday 19 March began with an original paper by the Camillian, Brother José Carlos Bermejo, the Director of the Centre for Humanisation of Madrid, who offered to the assembly ten metaphorical ‘medical examinations’, which were healthily provocative, in order to reinvigorate the work and the vocation of Camillians at the side of sick people.

carticolo1In the afternoon there was the moment that had been most awaited which witnessed the participation of the great family of St. Camillus: the Sisters Daughters of St. Camillus, the Women Ministers of the Sick of St. Camillus, the Handmaids of the Incarnation, the Secular Institute of the Women Missionaries of the Sick Christ the Hope, and the Lay Camillian Family. These various bodies introduced themselves with brief speeches to Cardinal João Braz de Aviz who led a reflection on the charism of the mercy of St. Camillus and on the uniqueness of this gift for the Church.

Before ending the day by presiding over the celebration of the Eucharist, the Cardinal updated the assembly on the situation of the Order: Father Renato had sent in his resignation and as soon as possible a communiqué from the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life would provide recommendations as to when and how the next General Chapter should be celebrated. The Cardinal reassured everyone with his affectionate and constant nearness.

In the morning of 20 March those taking part in the meeting visited the ‘Camillian places’ of Rome.

The ‘three days of spirituality’ – which formed a part of the celebrations for the fourth centenary of the death of St. Camillus – were a fruitful opportunity to engage in dialogue about the Camillian charism and its legacy in today’s world of health and health care, as well as a way of cementing the unity of the Camillian world in all its various expressions.


Look here at the photographic gallery of the three days of spirituality
Look here  at the press information

Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz: paper given at the three days of Camillian spirituality