Monthly Archives: April 2017

Hurricane Matthew, which struck Haiti with severity, continues to sorely test those parts of the population that were hit. We are working with Father Samuel Cuarto and the Delegation of Haiti in Ranja. Over the next weeks, teams made up

  70,000 people have been afflicted by the constant and devastating landslides provoked by the incessant rain that has been inundating Peru since January and is now beating down on Bolivia. Thousands of displaced persons, over 250 health-care centres destroyed,

By Father Antonio Marzani, MI, in ‘Come il Samaritano’ (‘Like the Samaritan’) Illness, disability, pain, suffering. These are not innocuous words. They provoke disquiet, vexation, fear, and anxiety. These are feelings that man tries to distance, to reject, because they

Comunico , que no ultimo final de semana , dias 18 e 19 de março de 2017, realizou-se em São Paulo, a primeira assembleia para eleição da comissão que responderá pela Família Camiliana Laica Brasileira. Estiveram reunidos aproximadamente 30 membros de Famílias Camilianas Laicas