Expanding The Catholic Church’s Commitment To The Ebola Emergency Response

The Holy See through the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace has organized an Ebola Committee whose main work is to evaluate project proposals coming from the Catholic-inspired networks and organizations working in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. The committee is directly chaired by H. Em. Cardinal Peter K.A. Turkson with the following members: Mons. Bob Vitillo, Bro. Pascal Ahodegnon, OHSJD, Sr. Barbara Brillant, FMM and Fr. Aris Miranda, MI.

The projects that will be accepted by the committee are those that aims to strengthen Catholi8c hospitals and clinics, help the families and local communities to be informed about Ebola and help priests, religious, sisters and brothers and other pastoral caregivers learn the basics about teh disease and provide spiritual consolation and hope to those affected.