Extraordinary Chapter of the Province of Spain

17016056_1235393879890103_6092072204459118895_oThe extraordinary Provincial Chapter of the Spanish Province of the Camillians was celebrated on 27 February to 1 March 2017. Its theme was ‘Embracing the Present with Joy and the Future with Hope’.

The chairman of the Chapter was Br. José Carlos Bermejo, the General Delegate of the Province of Spain. Fr. Gianfranco Lunardon, a member of the General Chapter and the General Secretary of the Order, also took part. Overall, eighteen religious and five lay people took part in the Chapter.

During the course of the Provincial Chapter, the current situation of the Province was presented (ministerial activities, pastoral care for young people, pastoral care in relation to vocations…), and a new set of regulations for the Province was approved, as well as the new civil status for the Province and the new statutes for the Camillian Delegation in Argentina. The Chapter ended with a message expressing commitments for the new three-year period which you can read HERE.

In this message the Province of Spain expresses its wish to live the Camillian consecration with joy, in a climate of fraternity, committing itself to caring for the weakest. It expressed a commitment to strengthening pastoral care for young people and pastoral care in relation to vocations.

In the same way, the Chapter emphasised its commitment to an increasing improvement in pastoral and charismatic activity that is provided by both religious and lay people: ‘In our Province, as in other religious Congregations, we rely on people who share the responsibilities of our service, in our field of pastoral care, involving them in the processes of discernment that relate to the objectives and the development of a specific project. This mission shared by lay people and religious can be experienced as a grace in our present and as an authentic hope for the future’. Information about the Provincial Chapter can be found at: www.camilos.es