RTVE – Los nuevos abrazos

The St. Camillus Centre of Tres Cantos (Madrid) offers a series of services in the field of social care and action in the world of health: accompanying and a series of services that in addition to providing care, diagnosing and treating people seek to prevent illnesses and addiction, avoid pain and relieve suffering.

On Sunday 22 November the programma Pueblo de Dios was broadcast which described the experience of humanisation of the St. Camillus Centre during the period of the pandemic.

The St. Camillus Centre  has been able to provide a response of complete care for people who have suffered or endured the consequences of the pandemic. The various programmes guided by the Centre (assisted life, the Palliative Care unit, the programmes of the Listening centre and the Final Life Network and Soledad) have known how to respond to the various consequences of the pandemic.