The Closing of the Fourth Centenary of St. Camillus in the Mass Media

The fourth centenary of the death of St. Camillus is coming to a close; the last appointments in the programme, as well, will be covered by the mass media who for the whole of the jubilee year have followed our Programma 14 Lugliocelebrations.

The following, amongst others, will cover the news: the programme ‘Sulla via di Damasco’ which will be broadcast by Rai2; the Lazio regional news programme of Rai3; the TV channels ‘Telepace’ and ‘Radio Maria’ (which will also broadcast three celebrations of the Eucharist, amongst which the final one of 14 July at 19.00 in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rome); ‘Radio In blu’ and ‘Radio Vaticana’; the daily newspapers Avvenire and L’Osservatore Romano’; the weeklies Famiglia cristiana, Credere, Il mio Papa, Roma sette; and the monthly Benessere.

Tv2000’ and ‘Tele radio padre Pio’ will broadcast the docu-fiction ‘Pray for me’ which narrates the final period of the life of St. Camillus, On Sunday 13 July, at 10.00, Rete 4 will broadcast live a Holy Mass from St. Camillus’ Basilica in Rome.

In addition, on Monday 14 July at 11.00, in the Chapter Hall of the generalate house of the Order (Piazza della Maddalena, 53, Roma) the new Superior General, Father Pessini, will hold a press conference. All journalists are invited to take part in this event which will be chaired by the journalist, Salvatore Mazza.

You can follow on our internet site and our Facebook and Twitter profiles the appointments that are planned, which you can read about in greater detail in the attached poster.


Download here the programme for the ending of the fourth centenary in the mass media

Look here at the press information