The Lay Camillian Family of Haiti – the celebrations for the World Day of the Sick.

IMG-20160215-WA006    This year as well we of the Lay Camillian Family of Haiti celebrated the World Day of the Sick (its twenty-fourth edition). We were joined by the Episcopal Vicar of the archdiocese for pastoral care in health, Monsignor Chardique, who together with the Camillian fathers who were present presided over the celebration of the Eucharist.

Two weeks of work were needed to organise this day. The health committee cooperated with us in preparing for this event.

The committee identified sick people who were able to move and take part in the Holy Mass. There were about twenty of them in all.

During the ceremony, Monsignor Chardique and the priests ministered the anointing of the sick to those patients who were present. After the Holy Mass, with the help of the Lay Camillian Family of Haiti, they were taken to a room for a small buffet in their honour. They were helped where this was necessary.

This year, for the occasion, an award was given to three members of the health committee for their dedication, their care and their patience with sick people, to whom they have always shown great compassion.

We thank our friends for their cooperation and the members of the group for their participation. We give thanks to God for this.


Edouard Rebert
President of the L.C.F.H.