Meeting of the Providers of Formation – Sixth Day

The morning began with the prayers of lauds and continued following the timetable: the groups of providers and formation and animators of vocations came together again in the assembly hall to conclude the discussions about the updating and the revision of the Rule for Formation. These discussion, which as usual were animated by a great deal of interest and fervor, ended in the late morning. After a short coffee break, the Camillian religious Fr. Felice Ruffini and Fr. Luigi Secchi (the Postulator General), with enthusiasm, devotion and emotion, described the Servant of God Nicola d’Onofrio, a figure dear to all those taking part in the meeting. The young religious Nicolino was offered as a model who, through the witness of his life, greatly attracts, and still speaks today to the hearts of very many young people.

     In the afternoon, organised into groups arranged according to geographical areas (Europe, America, Africa, Asia), the religious held a debate about the work of the various individual Provinces, Vice-Provinces and Delegations in the fields of pastoral care, the animation and promotion of vocations, and initial and ongoing formation. They also exchanged with each other their expectations and hopes as regards possible future inter-Provincial cooperation at the level of both the animation of vocations and initial and ongoing formation.

At the end, Fr. Laurent Zoungrana thanked those taking part and those – the members of the General Consulta and others – who had worked for the success of the meeting.

     With the celebration of the Eucharist, on the day of the liturgical memorial of St. Ignatius of Antioch, and the fraternal dinner, the curtain fell on this fruitful international meeting of the providers of formation and animators of vocations of the Order.


Below readers will find texts that provide in-depth information on our Camillian religious Nicolino d’Onofrio.

AMORE E SOFFERENZA – NICOLINO modello camilliano

A DIO SULLA PICCOLA VIA…Sulla tracciadi S.Teresina il cammino di Nicolino

NICOLAI Relatio e Vota Congressus [selezione]

Annuncio e Decreto Venerabilità