The Ukraine: Seeds of the Camillian Charism

IMG_0241For eleven years Fr. Arnaldo Pangrazzi has been going regularly to the Ukraine to hold courses in various cities of the country. The targets of these meetings are medical doctors, people taking the master’s degree in bioethics at the Catholic University of Lviv, health-care workers who provide palliative care, chaplains, pharmacists, and theology students of the Holy Spirit Seminary of Lviv. 225 seminarians of the Greek Catholic Church study at this seminary; a certain number of representatives of the Ukrainian Church have been awarded a licence in the theology of pastoral care in health by the Camillianum.

Fr. Ihor, the Rector of the Seminary and the Dean of the Institute of Bioethics, has been the translator at most of these meetings. The subjects that have been addressed relate to a variety of fields connected with pastoral care in health, namely: integral care for the sick, anticipatory sorrow, the help relationship, the accompanying of the gravely sick and the dying, the art of healing the wounds of life, the instrument of the enneagram so as to work better together, and the working through of loss and mourning.

     In recent years, following the conflict in the eastern part of the country which caused over 8,000 victims, meetings have been held with representatives of the Churches and psychologists in order to promote the methodology of self-help groups to help family relatives in mourning.

Five books by Pangrazzi have already been translated into Ukrainian and these constitute the few bibliographical resources that are available in the field of pastoral care in health.