Newsletter N. 77 – The Camillian World Seen from Rome…and Rome seen from the world



“The poor you will always have with you” (Mk 14:7)

1. “The poor you will always have with you” (Mk 14:7). Jesus spoke these words at a meal in Bethany, in the home of a certain Simon, known as the leper, a few days before Passover. As the Evangelist recounts, a woman came in with an alabaster flask full of precious ointment and poured it over Jesus’ head. This caused great amazement and gave rise to two different interpretations.

The first was indignation on the part of some of those present, including the disciples, who, considering the value of the ointment – about 300 denarii, equivalent to the annual salary of a labourer – thought it should have been sold and the proceeds given to the poor. In Saint John’s Gospel, Judas takes this position: “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” Saint John goes on to note that Judas “said this not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and as he had the money box, he used to take what was put in it” (12:5-6). It was no accident that this harsh criticism came from the mouth of the traitor: it shows those who do not respect the poor betray Jesus’ teaching and cannot be his disciples. Origen has strong words in this regard: “Judas appeared to be concerned about the poor…  If in our own day some hold the purse of the Church and, like Judas, speak out for the poor, but then take out what they put in, let them share in the lot of Judas” (Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, 11, 9).



3 May – 10 May 2021

Published by the National Office for Pastoral Care in Health – the Italian Bishops’ Conference

On the journey of the rediscovery of the meaning that the senses can offer to pastoral care in health, after addressing sight and touch the meeting of Milan addressed the subject of taste. Sitting at the same table, in addition to savouring food means sharing one’s own life. To leave a mark of his presence in the world down the centuries, the Lord Jesus chose the supper as the symbol of a sacrifice from which fraternity is born. Pastoral care in health, with this appointment, goes back to the fundamental spirit of his mission: to bring everyone to a single table – to rediscover together that taste for life that makes us strong in facing up to adversity. Looking after good relationships that become healing is the instrument by which this goal can be achieved.

Watch the recording on the YouTube channel  – click here

The wounds of the pandemic that the Church wants to heal

  The human and social challenges of the health-care crisis: the suggestions of the national meeting of the National Office for Pastoral Care in Health on ‘Savouring Life, Looking after Relationships’. The director of this office, Don Massimo Angelelli, offers his reflections:

     One of the first symptoms of the disease of covid-19 is loss of taste. This is a very singular experience. Some people have observed that to eat without having the taste of food is useless. Without taste one’s appetite is lost. That provocative statement of Jesus comes to mind: ‘If salt loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again?’ (Mk 9:50). And he said this in a context in which he invited us to remove from our lives what causes scandal. Things without taste are not eaten willingly by people. When in 2019 the National Office for Pastoral Care in Health chose the title of the meeting that would be held in May 2020, nobody imagined that it would be so topical. And yet only today does ‘Savouring Life, Looking after Relationships’ – the title and subject chosen for the meeting that was held on 3-13 May – appear to us in its full meaning. Taste for life has been wounded by the pandemic, by the very many people who have lost their lives, by examples of traumatic mourning, by weakened families, by the social crisis that hangs over us, and by the disorientation that is experienced in Italy and the world. Models of life and lifestyles have been blown up; we have been forced to have rhythms and spaces that are too narrow. Many habits that we acquired as being obvious have been called into question.

      Above all, after this viral disease we have seen another wound as a pandemic – our relationships have been sorely tested; these, too, have been revised and changed. A hug, a kiss, a handshake, from being familiar and friendly gestures, the expressions of friendship and affection, have suddenly became risky. Distance became the paradigm of safety, a social distance. A necessary and incumbent distance, the indispensable prevention to stop this disease, but one that is always difficult, difficult to accept and not spontaneous. And thus in the same way our relationships have undergone severe stress; a trial of resistance that has not always been easy. Distance has also become relational, with all the risks that are connected to this.

Whereas scientific research and medicine have addressed the pandemic with their instruments of intelligence that are always at the service of human life (Pope Francis), including vaccines, the Church and believers are called to take care of wounded relationships, loneliness and vulnerability so that nobody is left alone; so that in addition to the disease our relationships as well are not marked by suffering, because of the taste that we have for life, because of the need for a social life that we have, because of the question about meaning that is in our minds: if God has allowed so much pain and suffering, we must look for the ultimate meaning of what we are going through.

Somewhere, somehow, we will find the answer and discover again the good that we can – and we must – build. A community of believers on a journey towards the hope of full communion with Provident God and with our brothers and sisters. This is the search that we offer with our meeting; with the 115 speakers who will follow one another and the 18 sessions for thought, study and dialogue. This is the journey of pastoral care in health in Italy. We are aware that the answer is not far away: ‘Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with one another’ (Mk 9:50).

Fonte: Avvenire


Good news from our Camillian confreres of Brazil: on 6 June 2021 the deacon Damião José do Nascimento, a religious of the Camillian Province of Brazil, was ordained a priest. The ordination took place in Inajá, PE, in the diocese of Floresta. The ordaining bishop was Msgr. Gabriel Marchesi.




     During the liturgical solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Fr. Jesús María Ruiz, the former Vicar General of our religious Order, formally took up his post as the local Superior of the community of Tres Cantos (Madrid).





  The deacon Fr. Nicola Maria Mastracola, a Camillian religious of the Province of Rome, will be consecrated a priest on 29 June 2021 at the Basilica of St. Camillus in Rome. The celebration will be led by His Excellency Msgr. Paolo Ricciardi, the auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Rome and the head of pastoral care in health of the diocese.





Pictures of the launch of the book ‘Nicola d’Onofrio. Molto più di un sorriso’ (‘Nicola d’Onofrio. Much more than a Smile’) was held on 26 May at the Parish of St. Camillus in Rome.

This event was organised by the General Postulation of the Order of Camillians in cooperation with

Pastoral Care for Youth Vocations of the Camillians, Rome .


   Pictures of the celebration of the Eucharist presided over by Fr. Laurent Zoungrana, the Vicar General of the Order, on Saturday 12 June 2021 at 17.00 at the chapel of the ‘Villa Sacra Famiglia’ Nursing Home on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of the Venerable Nicolino d’Onofrio:



On Saturday 19 June 2021 at 18.00 in Bucchianico the launch took place of the book ‘Nicola d’Onofrio. Molto più di un sorriso’ (Nicola d’Omofrio. Much more than a Smile’). The event was introduced by the Postulator General of the Order, Fr. .

The following spoke on the book at the launch: His Most Reverend Excellency gr. (the Metropolitan Archbishop of Chieti Vasti); (Prefect of the Congregation of the Causes of Saints); the author of the book, P. ; and Dr. , a journalist of Tv2000  and the president of the Web Association of Italian Catholics.

The initiative was sponsored by the General Postulation of the Order and the Santuario San Camillo De Lellis Bucchianico.

  The events of the group of Pastoral Care for Youth Vocations of the Camillians Rome for this summer!

      A way of living in contact with Camillian spirituality in fraternity, praising the Lord for our lives and the lives of all creatures.

ESTATE2021 – PGV Camillians Rome


We share with you these committed thoughts of Fr. Aris Miranda, a member of the General Consulta of the Order and executive director of the Camillian Disaster Service International (CADIS) Foundation, written on the occasion of the Camillian celebration of the Martyrs of Charity.

Desiring the  undesirable the true choice of authentic charity | Ministers of the Sick (



Help for the Camillians who live and work in Burkina Faso

      BAGNI DI LUCCA. Help for Africa has arrived from the association ‘Participation and Development of Bagni di Lucca’. The governing board of the association decided to create the ‘Africa Group’ which brings together managers, volunteers and employees who at the outset chose Eritrea as the recipient of economic – and not only economic – aid. Then, following a cooling of relations with the government of Asmara, which hindered a continuation of the cooperation that had been set in motion, it decided to focus attention on Burkina Faso. This choice was made after a meeting with the writer Clementine Talatou Pacmogda. Subsequently, the association decided to meet the consul of Burkina Faso in Tuscany, Rossella Segreto, the widow of the artist Pietro Annigoni. Rossella Segreto is the president of an association of voluntary work with its headquarters in Florence which for years has sent aid to Bukina Faso. The consul put the association in contact with Fr. Paul Ouédraogo, a Camillian religious who is the director of the Saint Camille Hospital of Ouagadougou (the capital city of Burkina Faso) and also a specialist surgeon is paediatrics who took his degree in Italy.

Il Tempo – Da Bagni di Lucca un’ambulanza per il Burkina 31/05/2021 | Ministri degli Infermi (


With great joy we share with you this important and beautiful news that comes from the Camillian Province of Burkina Faso: on Saturday 3 July 2021, in the cathedral of Ouagadougou, twelve Camillian confreres with be ordained as priests:

Sandaogo Seraphin Bougouma

Stephane Malgoubri

Kayaba Apolinaire Giuguemde

Ramakwende Hugues Bertrand Djiguemde

Eric Wendkouni Ouedraogo

Relwende Pierre Marie Savadogo

Bawaya Aristide Michael Kéré

Christian Bénéwindé Nana

Emmanuel Tiono

Wendinda Pascal Nikiema

Ange Désiré Ouedraogo

Wendkouni Emmanuel Kientega


At the Nursing College the celebration took place of the laying on of a mortarboard – the award of a degree – to 236 new nurses who had graduated in nursing and who will begin their service in the various hospitals of the country.



In the month of May an ecumenical meeting organised by the government took place which witnessed the presence of exponents of the Buddhist, Taoist and Christian communities.




The Camillians of Taiwan have launched a new care activity in the city of Makung in cooperation with the local hospital and local church. This activity involves helping elderly people.

In the month of June, because of the constant increase in the number of covid-19 cases in Taiwan, it was decided to close the churches as a precaution, with the faithful being asked to pray outside them. Only our parish priest was allowed to pray in front of the relic of the heart of St. Camillus.


The Camillians on the Island of Flores: keeping alive the missionary commitment and looking to the future with hope

     The invisible covid-19 does not appear to have stopped or obstructed the vocational enthusiasm of very many young men who intend to prepare themselves for becoming future apostles of the Gospel, not only here in their own country but also in other countries of the world. Father Luigi Galvani, a missionary of the Order of the Ministers of the Sick (Camillians) and a pioneer in the diocese of Maumere, tells Agenzia Fides that despite the pandemic on the Island of Flores in recent weeks thirty new young deacons have been ordained. ‘Of these’, writes Fr. Galvini, ‘13 belong to the Verbite Missionaries and 17 to the inter-diocesan seminary of Ritapiret, which brings together 350 seminarians from the five dioceses of Maumere, Ende, Ruteng, Larantuka and Denpasar on the Island of Bali. This is an event that encourages us to keep our missionary commitment alive and to look to the future with peace of mind and joy. During the summer period the new deacons and a large part of the seminarians of various institutes will perform pastoral ministry in their parishes of origin and others to which they will be assigned’. On the occasion of the feast day of St. Camillus which will be celebrated on 14 July, the Camillians will celebrate an important achievement. ‘On that day five novices will make their first professions and 13 new candidates, amongst whom two young Pakistanis, will begin their canonical year of the novitiate. In addition, 17 professed will renew their vows and one will make his perpetual profession. With the growth in the number of candidates we have had to expand the spaces for formation and thus we are completing the new novitiate house in Kupang on the Island of Timor, which the group of 13 novices will shortly occupy’.

Attualmente gli studenti dei seminari Camilliani presenti a Flores hanno terminato gli esami e sono in vacanza. Tutti i seminaristi dei vari Istituti, più di una quindicina, nella diocesi di Maumere, frequentano l’Istituto Filosofico e Teologico dei Missionari Verbiti, considerato il più grande Istituto della Chiesa cattolica nel mondo con circa 1200 studenti.


   In the month of April India began to combat a second devastating wave of the coronavirus pandemic which has sorely rested its health-care structures.

In this situation we Camillian religious have put ourselves forward in a bold way in order to respond to the emergency. We chose to help patients with covid-19 in hospitals.

A new school of charity – the warriors of COVID | Ministers of the Sick (

    In Bengaluru (India), on 25 May 2021, at the headquarters of the Camillian Province of India, 26 young religious, temporary professed of the Camillian Province of India, renewed their religious vows; three religious made their perpetual professions.

St. Camillus with ardour called such occasions of witness ‘feasts of charity’. 

  By the grace of God, on 9 June 2021, during the celebration of the Eucharist which took place in Snehadaan (Bengaluru), the Camillian confreres Kannamkulathil Jaison Mathew JosephVallooran Abin Varghese Devassia (Deepu) and Kidangan Thomas Xavier Tom were consecrated as deacons with the laying on of hands and the prayer of consecration by Msgr. Mar Sebastian Adayanthrath, the Bishop of the Diocese of Mandya.

During the same celebration, Kuruthukulangara Sumesh ThomasAlbin Munjanattu, Jestin Vellathottathil and Abin Kettupurakal were made readers and acolytes. Fr. Baby Ellickal, the Provincial Superior of the Camillians in India, Fr. Biju Ilanjikkal, Fr. Sunny Aresseril and other confreres were concelebrants. The celebration took place in line with the protocols of covid-19.

Three new deacons in Bengaluru | Ministers of the Sick (


   On 28 April 2021 the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (the Holy see) confirmed the appointment made by Fr. Laurent ZOUNGRANA, the Vicar General of the Order, of Fr. WALTER VINCI – a Camillian religious of the Province of Rome – as the new Postulator General of the Order.

We express gratitude for the service provided hitherto by Fr. Luigi Secchi – the Postulator ‘Emeritus’ – and we send our best wishes to Fr. Walter.

On the official site of the Order we have placed a section dedicated to the General Pot. Inside you will find information on the causes of beatification, biographies and in-depth information on  #camillian saints, blesseds and venerables, requests for relics and prayers, as well as the activities and events organised by the General Postulation of the Order.



With the ‘Bassanini and Tremontani’ Day Centre we are, inter alia, engaging in a pathway that began on 16 December 2011 with the opening of the Caritas Refuge, the dormitory that was opened in the same place where for decades Brother Ettore received the disinherited –  a symbol of supportive Milan visited by Mother Teresa of Calcutta when she came to the city in 1979.

Diocese: Milan, Archbishop Delpini and Mayor Sala inaugurate the ‘Bassanini-Tremontani’ Day Centre for homeless people | AgenSIR

On the occasion of the customary day of fraternity, the religious of the Province of North Italy prayed for and celebrated various happy anniversaries of religious professions and priestly ordinations.

Twenty-Fifth Anniversaries of First Professions

Fr. Ochar Nyanya Aloice (Del. Kenya) 15/08/1996
Mundlagiri Arlappa (Mi- Niguarda) 25/05/1996
De Rienzo Francesco (Capriate S. Gervasio) 08/09/1996


Sixtieth Anniversaries of First Professions

Cattaneo Giuseppe (Padova) 26/09/1961
Florio Mariano (VR. S. Giuliano)  26/09/1961
Griso Mario (VR. S. Giuliano) 08/09/1961
Nava Roberto (Padova) 26/09/1961
Policante Germano (Capriate S. Gervasio) 26/09/1961
Zandonà Esterino (MI S. Camillo) 26/09/1961

Seventieth Anniversary of First Profession

Rizzi Iginio (Renzo) (Rossano Veneto – Mottinello) 08/09/1951

Fiftieth Anniversaries of Priestly Ordinations  

Proserpio Giuseppe (Tanzania) 20/06/1971
Dall’Osto Walter (Torino Villa Lellia) 20/06/1971

Sixtieth Anniversary of Priestly Ordination

Fr. Brusco Angelo (VR. S. M. Paradiso) 25/06/1961



The Camillian religious of the community of Macchia, together with the town council of Monte Sant’Angelo, on Tuesday 25 May 2021 inaugurated the first Camillian monument in memory of the victims of covid-19 in Piazza del Popolo which is behind the Chiesa S. Maria della Libera.

This monument, the work of the artist Peter Porazik, will be the first in Italy dedicated to St. Camillus and the victims of this pandemic. The sculptor, interpreting the thought and beliefs of the Ministers of the Sick, wanted to portray St. Camillus de Lellis, the universal patron saint of the sick, of nurses, of hospitals and of military health care, in the act of coming to the aid of a sick man in the form of Christ holding a facemask in one hand (which by now has become the symbol of the disease), and showing in the other the stigmata of Our Lord Jesus. This last refers to the presence of Christ in every suffering man afflicted by the virus.


Reportage realised by Telepace in collaboration with the Camillian religious of the Sicily and Naples province. We visit the places of the conversion of St. Camillus and the inauguration of the monument dedicated to the fallen of the Covid-19 on May 25th 2021.



Fr. Laurent Zoungrana, the Vicar General of the Order, with the agreement of the members of the General Consulta, has admitted the following to perpetual

Gregorius Pada, a temporary professed religious of the Province of the Philippines, the Delegation of Indonesia.

Neyser Héctor Regalado Delgado, a temporary professed religious of the Vice-Province of Peru.

Camilo Villalobos Suárez, a temporary professed religious of the Vice-province of PeruEpiphane Agani, a temporary professed religious of the Province of Benin-Togo.

Constantin Ahanhanzo, a temporary professed religious of the Province of Benin-Togo.

Roberto Olivier Coudadje, a temporary professed religious of the Province of Benin-Togo.

Etienne Tossou-Kpaba, a temporary professed religious of the Province of Benin-Togo.

Ouedraogo W. Rodrigue, a temporary professed religious of the Province of Burkina Faso.

Yameogo G. Didier, a temporary professed religious of the Province of Burkina Faso.

Dolomweogo W. Denis, a temporary professed religious of the Province of Burkina Faso.

Sawadogo W. Jean-Jacques, a temporary professed religious of the Province of Burkina Faso.


Message to open the thirty-fifth General Chapter of the Institute

     Mother Lauretta Gianesin, the Superior General of the women Ministers of the Sick of St. Camillus, began, with this message full of hope, the opening of the thirty-fifth General Chapter of the women Ministers of the Sick of St. Camillus.

     For the first time we will open moments of the Chapter so that everyone can follow it and be present. Specifically with the opening prayer on Friday 18 June at 15.00 (Italian time), we will be connected with all of you specifically to pray together to the Holy Spirit and thus begin this important event.



Mary: consolation and comfort in illness

On 19 May the Church celebrates the figure of Mary, consolation and comfort in illness. The programme of TV200 ‘Hoping for Good Weather – TV200’ welcomed Father Gianfranco Lunardon, the Secretary General of the Order of the Ministers of the Sick (the Camillians), to speak about the figure of Mary, the health of the sick. We thank Sr. Fernanda of the Daughters of St. Camillus for organising the video which you can watch here. Source: with the heart of a mother.


The liturgical solemnity of St. Camillus de Lellis – 14 July 2021

On 14 July 2021, the liturgical solemnity of St. Camillus de Lellis, His Eminence Cardinal Piero Parolin, Secretary of State of His Holiness, will preside over the solemn Mass at 19.00.

Our rectory-church of ‘Mary Magdalene’ is the Mother church of the Order. It is at the front of our generalate house and stewards the spiritual memory as well as the body and precious relic of the heart of founder father, St. Camillus de Lellis, the patron saint of the sick and health-care workers. We are preparing ourselves for this appointment with our Camillian history with prayers for all of the Camillian religious, for the sick and their families, as well as for all health-care workers who base themselves on the nova schola caritatis begun by St. Camillus.


Man can be explained only if there is a Love which overcomes every isolation, even that of death, in a totality which also transcends time and space. Man can be explained, he finds his deepest meaning, only if there is God. And we know that God left his distance for us and made himself close. He entered into our life and tells us: “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die” (Jn 11:25-26)

BENEDICT XVI, GENERAL AUDIENCE – Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Brother CAMILLUS JAMES MCHUGH (1924-2021)

Br. Camillus James McHugh was born on 1 June 1924 in Falcarragh in the county of Donegal (Ulster, Ireland). He was the youngest child of Dan and Peggy (née McNulty). Grace, Brigid, Owen, Bernard, Sarah and Mary were his brothers and sisters.

Br. Camillus entered the Order of Camillians in 1947 and began his training as a nurse in 1948 in England. He began his novitiate with four other candidates in September 1952 in Killucan in the county of Westmeath and made his temporary religious profession on 29 September 1953. He then went to Newcastle and made his perpetual religious profession in 1956.

Read the obituary here.

Brother Camillus was a man of prayer, a good religious faithful to his duties, a lover of life but above all a lover of God, of Mary and of St. Camillus. I am certain that the young seminarians of Kenya – including myself who at that time was young – drew much inspiration from his good-humoured, kind and generous behaviour’ Fr. Paolo Guarise

Adieu, good-humoured Brother Camillus! | Ministers of the Sick (


Father ANDREW CARROLL (1931-2021)

The ‘journey’ of Billie Carroll began in Bennettsbridge in the county of Kilkenny on 17 October 1931. He was the youngest of five children and was born into a very traditional Irish Catholic family. His siblings all died before him and on that subject he used to smile and say: ‘Now, at the end of my eighties I have become an orphan’.

Baptised with the name of ‘William’, he changed his name to ‘Andrew’ when he entered the novitiate in 1961. He made his first religious profession in Killucan in May 1962. Afterwards, he was transferred to London where he stood out for his qualities when training to be a nurse. He obtained his professional qualification with its concomitant public registration in 1965. In the same year he made his perpetual religious profession in the Camillian community of Hexham in the north-east of England.

Read the obituary here.



Christian de Paul de Barchifontaine was born on 18 June 1946 in Seilles, Belgium. He was the son of Camille de Paul de Barchifontaine and Charlotte Moncheur de Rieudotte. He was baptised on 24 June 1946.

He entered the seminary of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists) in Belgium. In addition to studying philosophy and theology, he graduated in nursing. He was ordained a deacon on 31 March 1975 and was ordained a priest on 14 June of the same year.

In 1976 he was sent as a missionary to the north-east of Brazil to the diocese of Propriá, SE. He stayed there until 1981 as vice-parish priest and the co-ordinator of pastoral care in health in the diocese. He was also a nurse at the Nossa Senhora da Glória Hospital.

For health reasons he went to San Paolo to be treated and there he met the Camillians, among whom was Fr. Leocir Pessini, with whom he had a great friendship for many years. In 1983 he began his pathway of belonging to the Order of the Ministers of the Sick and made his perpetual religious profession for the Camillians on 13 September 1987. In the same year he became a naturalised citizen of Brazil.

Read the obituary here.


Father RICHARD JOSEPH O’DONNELL (1935 – 2021)

Fr. Richard Joseph O’Donnell, the third of four children, was born on 19 September 1935 in Brooklyn, New York. His parents were Erwin O’Donnel and Grace Kiely.

After attending the ‘Good shepherd’ elementary school for eight years, he studied at the Brooklyn Prep High School, an educational institution run by the Jesuits. It was during the third year of his studies at this school that he realised that he had to begin to think about a project for the future of his life. It was then that he began his vocational discernment and considered the prospect of deciding for the priesthood.

After taking his school-leaving diploma, he went to a missionary seminary for six years, at the end of which he began to frequent the Camillians. Before his experience at the missionary seminary he had had an opportunity to meet the Camillian religious but at that moment they did not seem to correspond to his vocational search.

He began his pre-novitiate with the Camillians and afterwards his canonical novitiate at Durward’s Glen near Baraboo (Wisconsin) from September 1959 to September 1960.

In 1963, after his novitiate, he went to St. Francis Seminary in Milwaukee (Wisconsin) for a year of theological studies. He then spent three years at St. Columban’s Major Seminary in Milton (Massachusetts).

On 19 December 1964 Fr. Richard was ordained a priest in Milton (Massachusetts).

Read the obituary here.

The Camillian religious of the Delegation in Vietnam – the Province of Thailand, have announced the death of the young Camillian religious Joseph NGUYEN HOANG MINH (born 28 august 1989; novitiate 1 May 2015; first religious profession 1 May 2016).

The Daughters of St. Camillus

During the night of 31 May 2021, the feast day of the Visitation of Mary and St. Elizabeth, the death took place in the ‘St. Camillus’ Clinic in Buenos Aires, Argentina, of  Sr. Assunta del Cerro. She was 93 years old and had spent 55 years in religious life.

During the night of 3 June 2021, the death took place in the ‘St. Camillus’ Clinic in Buenos Aires, Argentina, of Sr. Juana Aoki. She was 89 years old and had spent 65 years in religious life.

We give thanks to the Lord for the gift of their long lives given with joy and simplicity to the service of sick people!




Non resta che implorare da San Giuseppe la grazia delle grazie: la nostra conversione.

A lui rivolgiamo la nostra preghiera:

Salve, custode del Redentore,
e sposo della Vergine Maria.
A te Dio affidò il suo Figlio;
in te Maria ripose la sua fiducia;
con te Cristo diventò uomo.

O Beato Giuseppe, mostrati padre anche per noi,
e guidaci nel cammino della vita.
Ottienici grazia, misericordia e coraggio,
e difendici da ogni male. Amen!