Newsletter N. 80 – The Camillian World Seen from Rome…and Rome seen from the world

14 November 2021, Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

“The poor you will always have with you” (Mk 14:7)

«I poveri li avete sempre con voi» (Mc14,7). Gesù pronunciò queste parole nel contesto di un pranzo, a Betania, nella casa di un certo Simone detto “il lebbroso”, alcuni giorni prima della Pasqua. Come racconta l’evangelista, una donna era entrata con un vaso di alabastro pieno di profumo molto prezioso e l’aveva versato sul capo di Gesù. Quel gesto suscitò grande stupore e diede adito a due diverse interpretazioni.

La prima è l’indignazione di alcuni tra i presenti, compresi i discepoli, i quali considerando il valore del profumo – circa 300 denari, equivalente al salario annuo di un lavoratore – pensano che sarebbe stato meglio venderlo e dare il ricavato ai poveri. Secondo il Vangelo di Giovanni, è Giuda che si fa interprete di questa posizione: «Perché non si è venduto questo profumo per trecento denari e non si sono dati ai poveri?». E l’evangelista annota: «Disse questo non perché gli importasse dei poveri, ma perché era un ladro e, siccome teneva la cassa, prendeva quello che vi mettevano dentro» (12,5-6). Non è un caso che questa dura critica venga dalla bocca del traditore: è la prova che quanti non riconoscono i poveri tradiscono l’insegnamento di Gesù e non possono essere suoi discepoli. Ricordiamo, in proposito, le parole forti di Origene: «Giuda sembrava preoccuparsi dei poveri […]. Se adesso c’è ancora qualcuno che ha la borsa della Chiesa e parla a favore dei poveri come Giuda, ma poi si prende quello che mettono dentro, abbia allora la sua parte insieme a Giuda» (Commento al vangelo di Matteo, 11, 9). READ MORE


The Holy Father Francis, at the conclusion (May 25, 2021) of the Special Anniversary Year of the encyclical letter Laudato Si’, has proposed, to the entire Church, the “Laudato Si’ Action Platform“, a seven-year path for ecological conversion in action.

In this video, Pope Francis directly introduces the initiative
Fr. Laurent Zoungrana, Vicar General, and the General Consultors, representing our Camillian Order, have already formally joined this journey.
Attached in several languages (Italian-English-French-Spanish-German-Portuguese-Polish) you will find:

1. the letter from the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development explaining the objectives of the project (cf. LSAP);

2. the appeal to adhere by the Union of Superiors General of all Institutes of Consecrated Life (cf. LetMs);

3. the form for the commitment of religious communities (cf. LSAPComm).
ITALIANO, SPAGNOLO, FRANCESE, INGLESE, PORTOGHESE, POLACCO, TEDESCOWe invite you to share, reflect and concretize this initiative with our Confreres and Communities of your Province, Vice Province and Delegation!


On October 13, 2012, the Camillian Disaster Service International (CADIS), the then Camillian Task Force (CTF), launched a commemoration and celebration to honor the victims of natural and human-made disasters. Why the victims? Borrowing from the words of the former superior general Renato Salvatore, MI – the celebration “emphasizes the human costs involved in disasters since they affect people as well as the society which endanger their destiny and their right to life. […] let this day awaken our awareness that any disaster is an injustice, which needs to be corrected through relief work, of course, but also through preventive measures and restoration of equality among human beings.” (R. Salvatore). In every disaster and the statistics of disasters, there is always a human face at stake whose ultimate design (divine purpose) is the “fullness of life,” the essence and finality of human existence here on earth. READ MORE

CADIS (Camillian Disaster Service International)

An Appeal for Flood Relief in Kerala

Dear Friends,

Kerala is experiencing a situation almost similar to what the State faced during the devastating floods of 2018 and 2019. Normal Monsoon in Kerala is from the second half of May until end of September. But this year it has been raining beyond the usual. From 16th October onwards it has been heavily raining all over Kerala. By 17th morning there was a huge cloudburst in the central part of Kerala with extreme casualties.

Mostly the affected areas are the districts such as Kottayam, Idukki, Thrissur and some parts of Ernakulam. There has been a number of landslides in which two were devastating. They caused flood in the villages such as Plappalli, Kokkayar, Koottikal,Mundakkayam, Ranni, Thodupuzha, Erimeli, Peerumedu, Peruvandhaanam, Eanthayaar, Kanjaar, Poonjaar, Kokkatthodu, Kalleli, Vayakkara and Eettumanoor, to name a few. More than 200 houses were totally washed away in the flash flood caused by landslides and many other houses have been partially damaged.



On the occasion of the global conference “Strengthening National Responses to Health Emergencies: WHO, Religious Leaders, Faith-Based Organisations, Faith Communities and National Governments“, hosted by the World Health Organisation in collaboration with Religions for Peace and EPI-WIN Faith Communities of Practice, yesterday, 20 October 2021, our confreres Fr. John Mosoti and Fr. John Toai gave two talks on, respectively, spiritual care in hospitals and other settings during the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in palliative care.

Mosoti’s talk at minute 36.21 and Fr John Toai’s talk at minute 2.07.30. READ MORE


Dearest Friends,

Our Camillian confreres of Haiti have spoken to us about an increasingly dramatic situation caused not only by the earthquake of 14 August and the disasters provoked by the tempest Grace but also, and above all, by the worsening of violence and rule by armed gangs who by now have taken over and in fact govern the country.

This has not only taken place in the capital – this terrible reality has expanded to other cities as well. In fact, young men join these armed gangs as though it was a normal job. The government is inexistent, the police no longer manage to control the situation, and together with the violence the plague of kidnapping people continues. Indeed, in recent days fifteen American missionaries and two children were kidnapped. Corruption is everywhere. The frontiers are closed and Haitians are trying to flee the country but they are systematically rejected by everyone. READ MORE

THE DAUGHTERS OF ST. CAMILLUS – new general council

The Great Camillian Family shares in the joy of the sisters of the Daughters of St. Camillus: ‘With joy and faith we welcome her, very dear Mother Zelia Andrighetti, we join her ‘yes’ in prayer under the protection of St. Camillus and our dear Founders, in carrying out this mandate’.

Message of thanks of Mother Zelia, re-elected Superior General of the Daughters of St. Camillus

On 17 October 2021 the new general council of the institute was elected:

Vicar General: Sister Laura Cortese
Second councillor: Sister Ani Mulavarikal
Third councillor: Sister Edwige Zeba
Fourth councillor: Sister Haida E. Schmidt

‘We give our heartfelt thanks to the outgoing council for the recent years of cooperation with, and nearness to, the Superior General’.

Sister Laura Cortese – a Daughter of St. Camillus – guest of the RAI programme ‘on the Road to Damascus’

In the wake of two great saints, St. Francis of Assisi and Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the journalist Eva Crosetta explored the spirituality of those who draw from the poor the essence of the Gospel, in the company of Sister Laura Cortese, a religious of the Daughters of St. Camillus who lives in Rome.


Ceremony of the unveiling of the commemorative plaque dedicated to Saint Giuseppina Vannini

On Saturday 23 October 2021, at 11.30,  at the Mother House of the Daughters of St. Camillus in Via Giusti, 7, the ceremony took place of the unveiling of the commemorative plaque dedicated to Saint Giuseppina Vannini (1859-1911), the first Roman woman saint of health care, on the occasion of the second anniversary of her canonisation and one hundred and ten years after her death.

The first mother house of the Congregation was located in Via Giusti in 1892 and a centre of the Daughters of St. Camillus, an institute dedicated to service to the sick, the poor and the suffering. Is still be found in this street. In addition, in the room where St. Giuseppina Vannini died, in 2017 a small museum of relics was created dedicated to her and to the co-founder of the Congregation, the Blessed Father Luigi Tezza. A description of this museum can be found in the volume ‘Casa Museo Santa Giuseppina Vannini: Memorie per una santità della porta accanto’ (‘The House of the Museum of St. Giuseppina Vannini: Memories for a Next-Door Holiness’), published by Gangemi Editore International, Rome. St. Giuseppina Vannini’s mission was to bear witness to the always present love of Christ for the sick in a spiritual and corporeal ministry exercised even when there is danger to one’s own life. She emerges as a female saint of the contemporary world who worked in the city of Rome between the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries through complete care for the sick both in their homes and through a series of hospital and nursing institutions.


Suicide is a journey without a return that clips the wings of hope. Those who commit suicide are the prisoners of thoughts and feelings that consume them and overwhelm them, pushing them towards a fatal choice. It frequently happens that those who bring down the curtain do not allow their intentions to emerge and they take with them to the grave the reasons for abandoning the fight. People never die alone – they take with them a little of the lives of their loved ones and leave with them a little of their deaths.

Those who stay behind are tortured with very many ‘buts’ and ‘ifs’ that accompany the tortuous and troubled world of condolences and a slow rebirth. The author presents photographs of the interior landscapes of those who chose to die and those who survived, collecting touching fragments of the abysses and mysteries of human nature.


On 17 October 2022, in the parish church of Mottinello, the two young men Christ Noukoudjo Sena Ray-Al and Daniele Bistaffa made their first religious professions at the end of their journeys as novices.

Camillian Pastoral Care for Young People – the Province of North Italy





On 24 September 2021 five professed of the Camillian Province of Sicily and Naples (Mariano Servadei, Salvatore Barbagallo, Alessandro La Rosa, Sciacca Domenico and Spalice Gianluca) renewed their Camillian religious consecrations.





On 18 October 2021 our Camillian confrere Gabriel Anderson Barbosa was consecrated a priest at the Parish of Perpétuo Socorro in Paraibano by the Bishop of the Diocese of Balsas.





di p. Efisio Locci

A premise

The community in Rome made a spiritual retreat in the month of July in preparation for the Feast of St. Camillus. Afterwards, I got the idea of writing a small letter to St. Camillus and several confreres solicited me asking for explanations and clarifications. The affliction in the discourses of several confreres is evidently heavy (almost … we are old … there are no vocations …) as for the disciples of Emmaus (we believed …), but Christ is truly risen!



Vorrei invitarvi a fare con me un bellissimo viaggio virtuale intorno al mondo per festeggiare insieme i 25 anni di vita di Salute e Sviluppo. Non preoccupatevi per il costo, pago io per tutti, dato che è un viaggio virtuale. Possiamo visitare molti paesi, anche se non posso ricordarli tutti perché l’elenco sarebbe prolisso. Allacciate le cinture e partiamo subito da Torino, dove Salute e Sviluppo è nata 25 anni fa, dalla fantasia di p. Efisio, il 9 settembre 1996, l’idea era “andate nel mondo e curate i malati”. Ha cominciato a percorrere i primi passi della sua esistenza, passi importanti perché comprende anche l’ospedale di Haiti. L’invito del Generale dell’Ordine  dei Camilliani p. Frank Monks (03 dicembre 2001) ci fa traslocare a Roma per dare all’organizzazione la dimensione Internazionale, propria dell’Ordine di San Camillo. READ MORE


Laurent Zoungrana, Vicar General of the Order, with the consent of the consultors, admitted to solemn religious profession:

Antonio Ricci, temporarily professed religious of the Roman Province

Edinson Luis Pérez Dávila, temporarily professed religious of the Vice Province of Peru



Prayer for the beatification of the young Camillian confrere Alexandre Toè






Madonna della Salute nel Mondo camillianoThe Church of ‘St. Mary Magdalene’ – Rome

‘For many Christians, this journey of fraternity also has a Mother, whose name is Mary. Having received this universal motherhood at the foot of the cross (cf. Jn 19:26), she cares not only for Jesus but also for “the rest of her children” (cf. Rev 12:17). In the power of the risen Lord, she wants to give birth to a new world, where all of us are brothers and sisters, where there is room for all those whom our societies discard, where justice and peace are resplendent’ (Pope Francis, Fratelli tutti, n. 278)


Sunday 14 November 2021

Holy Mass 11.00 Celebration of the Eucharist, Presided over by His Excellency Msgr. Paolo RICCIARD, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Rome – Delegate for Pastoral Care in Health

Tuesday 16 November 2021

19.00 Celebration of the Eucharist, Presided over by Rev. Fr. Angelo BRUSCOformer Superior General of the Camillians on the sixtieth anniversary of his priestly ordination


L’uomo è spiegabile solamente se c’è un Amore che superi ogni isolamento, anche quello della morte, in una totalità che trascenda anche lo spazio e il tempo. L’uomo è spiegabile, trova il suo senso più profondo, solamente se c’è Dio. E noi sappiamo che Dio è uscito dalla sua lontananza e si è fatto vicino, è entrato nella nostra vita e ci dice: «Io so­no la risurrezione e la vita; chi crede in me anche se muore vivrà; chiunque vive e crede in me non morirà in eterno» (Gv 11,25-26).
BENEDETTO XVI, UDIENZA GENERALE – Mercoledì, 2 novembre 2011


Son of Luis Calderón Gómez and Angélica Chang Ramírez, Fr. Max was born on December 22, 1968, in Piura in Peru. Later, his family moved to Huaral (Lima).
After his primary and secondary school education, he entered the San Camilo Seminary in Lima in May 1986. He attended preparatory course and two years of philosophy at the Juan XXIII Theological Institute and participated in the formation courses of CONFER (union of Institutes of Consecrated Life). He began his novitiate on February 11, 1989 in the San Martín de Porres community at Jr. Junín-Lima, and professed temporary vows on January 21, 1990 in the church of Santa María de la Buenamuerte in Lima. He continued his theological studies at the Juan XXIII Theological Institute until December 1993. He then moved to the community of San Martín de Porres, where he lived his pastoral year. There, he professed solemn vows on December 8, 1994.
He was ordained a deacon on December 18, 1994 in the church of Huaral, and was ordained a priest in the church of Santa María de la Buenamuerte in Lima on December 7, 1995, through the laying on of hands by the archbishop of Lima Cardinal Augusto Vargas Alzamora. He was appointed chaplain of the Arzobispo Loayza Hospital on June 3, 1996. On May 1, 2002, he moved to the new Blessed Luis Tezza community, of which he was appointed superior on October 2, 2002. READ MORE

Camillian Confreres of the Northern Italian Province – Colombia-Ecuador Delegation – announce the death of the Religious Fr. LUCIANO RAMPONI (birth: 28/07/1947; first religious profession: 26/09/1965; solemn religious profession: 22/08/1971; priestly ordination: 16/12/1972).

Fr. Luciano passed away today, October 23, 2021, at the Clínica Nueva El Lago (north of the city of Bogotá – Colombia), after a long illness.

We remember Fr. Luciano in our prayers, entrusting him to the mercy of the Risen Lord! READ MORE


Fabiola Bermudez, a religious Daughter of St. Camillus, of Colombian nationality, died in the St. Camillus Clinic in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 23 October 2021. She was 68 years old, of which 43 years of Religious life.









We need only ask Saint Joseph for the grace of graces: our conversion.

Let us now make our prayer to him:

Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To you God entrusted his only Son;
in you Mary placed her trust;
with you Christ became man.

Blessed Joseph, to us too,
show yourself a father
and guide us in the path of life.
Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage,
and defend us from every evil. Amen.

Given in Rome, at Saint John Lateran, on 8 December, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the year 2020, the eighth of my Pontificate.