57th General Chapter: the Report of 7 May

Capitolo7maggioThe chairman of the day was Fr. E. Blasi.

The morning was dedicated to group work as a response to the reports of the Offices of the Curia and the General Secretariats and above all to the Status Ordinis. The answers to the eleven questions drawn up by the General Consulta will be summarised by a committee in the form of Motions and Operational Approaches: as such, if approved by the General Chapter, they will form a part of the work agenda of the new General Consulta.

The principal part of the afternoon was the answers of the General Consulta to the questions seeking ascertainment, clarification or information posed to the Chapter Assembly. This was a moment of sincere dialogue where diversities of vision did not fail to be present, which were precisely clarified by those directly interested. An opportunity for clarity, on the eve of the end of the mandate of the General Consulta!

To bring happiness to the whole day, the visit of Cardinal Joao Braz de Avis, the Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, accompanied by Fr. D. Cauzzo, his personal secretary. A simple meeting, profound at the level of contents, which strengthened in everyone the image of a new spring in the Vatican